Youth Apprenticeship Program
The Dane County School Consortium works collaboratively with Dane County School Districts and statewide work-based learning programs to offer educational opportunities related to career exploration. We are providing a pathway for high schoolers to find tomorrow’s career TODAY, through hands-on learning opportunities!
More Smiles Wisconsin serves as a work-site providing employment and learning opportunity as a dental assistant in the clinic while gaining valuable exposure to the field of dentistry and community health. Keep scrolling to learn about past apprentices and their experiences at the More Smiles Wisconsin clinic.

Youth Apprentice Carter assists Dr. Cooper with a MSW patient

MSW staff members with Youth Apprentice Carter and VISTA AmeriCorps member Patrick

MSW staff retreat

Youth Apprentice Carter assists Dr. Cooper with a MSW patient
Youth Apprentice:
Carter's story
“More Smiles Wisconsin has had a great impact on my life. As a high school student participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Program they took me under their wing and were very patient with me throughout my year of working together with them. All the employees and volunteers created a positive work environment where I was able to learn everything I currently know about dentistry. Throughout this experience my passion for dentistry has only grown as I have become more familiar with the dental setting and serving patients, as well as how to be more caring and compassionate in a professional setting. I would like to thank More Smiles Wisconsin, all the staff and volunteers who have welcomed me as part of their team and pushed me toward the right direction in my further education.”
Youth Apprentice:
Oliver's story
“Lee credited his acceptance [to Marquette Pre-Dental Scholars Program] in part to his dental apprenticeship at More Smiles, a hybrid non-profit utilizing both volunteers and paid providers to provide dental services to the impoverished population of Dane County.
'My experiences at More Smiles have been extremely rewarding and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity and for those who helped make it possible,” Lee said. “Now my path to dental school is a straight one and I won’t have to apply to various dental schools.'” (from article in Waunakee Tribune)