For New Patients
More Smiles primarily serves residents of the following counties: Dane, Columbia, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Richland, Rock, Sauk, or Walworth. Residents of other counties can call to confirm eligibility.
We accept Medicaid plans including BadgerCare, and uninsured patients. We do not accept any other forms of dental insurance.
For uninsured patients, income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level for your family size (about $25,000 per year for an individual or $51,500 for a family of four).
For uninsured patients, please refer to our Fee Scale for price of general services.
More Smiles Wisconsin requires all appointments to be scheduled, we do not accept walk-ins. For information about emergency care, please call 608-665-2752.
Patient Registration
In order to register as a new patient with More Smiles Wisconsin, we will ask you a few questions when you call in to schedule your first appointment. Since More Smiles Wisconsin has certain eligibility requirements, you will be asked about your insurance status. If uninsured, you will be asked to furnish proof of financial eligibility.
Examples of documents that can be used to verify income include:
Pay stub from employer
Social Security statement
Unemployment/Worker’s Compensation statement
Most recent tax return (1040)
Child support statement
You will also be asked to complete registration forms.
Call 608-665-2752
1320 Mendota Street
Suite 107
Madison, WI 53714