Dental Volunteers
More Smiles Wisconsin clinics rely on volunteer dentists, hygienists, assistants, and community members.
Volunteer Information
Who volunteers at More Smiles Wisconsin?
More Smiles has a diverse group of volunteers supporting the clinic in multiple ways:
Provision of Direct Patient Care: More Smiles has a diverse group of clinical volunteers including dentists, assistants, hygienists, and UW students that provide care to patients at the MSW clinic. We are also fortunate to have the support of dental specialists in the area who take referrals on our behalf to provide specialized care.
Administrative Support: More Smiles also has volunteers who donate their time to support MSW’s administrative staff. Some of MSW’s administrative volunteers have skill sets in specific areas such as marketing, website management, and community relations.
How can I help?
For Dentists
Volunteer shifts are scheduled based on your availability. We are flexible about accommodating your schedule. We have the need for dentists at our weekly emergency clinics Thursdays from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Extractions are the primary procedure performed at these clinics. We also have volunteer shifts available during our weekday clinics where more comprehensive care including diagnostic and restorative procedures are provided. Please sign up using this form to let us know your interests and availability.
For Hygienists and Dental Assistants
We have opportunities for both volunteer hygienists and trained dental assistants during our weekday clinics. Please sign up using this form to let us know your interests and availability.
For Students and Community Volunteers
We have very flexible options for education, office, and support volunteers. Please sign up using this form to let us know your interests and availability.
Volunteering on-site is the number one way to help. If you’re unable to do so, monetary donations or equipment/supply donations are also always very much appreciated. To inquire about making a donation, please contact us via phone at 608-665-2752 or via email at

“A dentist will find out that the work of More Smiles Wisconsin is even more rewarding than your regular practice. The volunteering aspect and More Smiles Wisconsin’s patients really make it special.”
—Dr. Dick Holthaus, DDS

“As a dentist, we are given a unique set of skills; using those skills to serve those who lack dental care makes a huge impact in their life. What came as a surprise was how much my time at More Smiles has made a positive impact on me.”
—Dr. David Besley, DDS

“I was so impressed and pleased with the team at More Smiles Wisconsin. The quality of work, kindness and care is just awesome and it’s the first time in my lifetime that I actually trust the dentist.”
—Jen C. Satisfied Patient